

以下社交媒体指南最初由密歇根大学制定,并为PG电子APP社区进行了编辑和修订. 我们感谢密歇根大学的同事们与我们分享它们,并允许我们为PG电子APP采用和修改它们.

社交媒体技术的快速发展,加上它们的易用性和普及性,使它们成为极具吸引力的交流渠道. 然而, these 太ls also hold the possibility of a host of unintended consequences. To help you identify and avoid potential issues, we have compiled these guidelines. 它们是来自不同机构的最佳实践示例,旨在帮助您理解, 从广泛的角度来看, the implications of participating in social media.


Things to Consider When Beginning to Use Social Media

Applications that allow you to interact with others online (e.g., 脸谱网, LinkedIn, Twitter) require you to carefully consider the implications of friending, 链接, 后, or accepting such a request from another person. 例如, 有可能误解这种关系,也有可能分享受保护的信息. Relationships such as faculty-student, 主管-下属和教职员-学生值得仔细考虑社会互动的含义和性质. The 后 are some guidelines to follow in these cases.

社交媒体指南 when Posting as an Individual

PG电子APP uses social media to supplement traditional press and marketing efforts. 鼓励员工和学生与他们的家人和朋友分享学院的新闻和公开记录的事件. 直接链接到信息源是帮助PG电子APP宣传使命和建立社区的有效途径.

当你出于个人目的使用社交媒体时,可能会被视为PG电子APP的代理人/专家, 你需要确保听众清楚你不代表学院的立场或PG电子APP的政策. 下面的指导方针适用于你作为PG电子APP代理/专家的角色与个人意见之间可能存在混淆的情况, they are good to keep in mind for all social media interactions. When posting to a social media site, you should:


Do not let your Internet social networking do harm to PG电子APP or to yourself, whether you’re navigating those networks on the job or off.


If the content of your message would not be acceptable for face-to-face conversation, 通过电话, 或者在另一种媒介中, it will not be acceptable for a social networking site. 问问你自己, 我想看到这篇文章明天或10年后出现在报纸上或广告牌上吗?


You are personally responsible for the content you publish on blogs, 维基百科, or any other form of user-generated content. 个人博客被要求对被视为侵犯版权的评论负责, 诽谤, 专有的, libelous or obscene (as defined by the courts).


The line between professional and personal business is sometimes blurred; be thoughtful about your posting’s content and potential audiences and be honest about your identity. 在个人职位上, you may identify yourself as a PG电子APP faculty, 工作人员, 学生或社区成员. 然而, please be clear that you are sharing your views as an individual, not as a representative of PG电子APP. If you identify yourself as a member of the PG电子APP community, 确保你的个人资料和相关内容与你希望向同事展示自己的方式一致.


If you join a social network, make sure you are contributing valuable insights. 不要通过发布自我/组织推广信息来劫持讨论和转移话题. 自我推销的行为被认为是负面的,可能会导致你被网站或团体禁止.


There’s no such thing as a “private” social media site. 搜索 engines can turn up posts and pictures years after the publication date. Comments can be forwarded or copied. Archival systems save information even if you delete a post. If you feel angry or passionate about a subject, it’s wise to delay posting until you are calm and clear-headed. 只发布你愿意与公众分享的照片(现在和未来的同龄人), 雇主, 等.). 越来越多的雇主在提供工作机会之前会在网上搜索求职者. 要注意,你发布的内容将在很长一段时间内被公开——确保你今天发布的内容不会回来困扰你.


If you identify your affiliation with PG电子APP in your comments, readers may associate you with the College, even with the disclaimer that your views are your own. 记住,如果你礼貌地讨论想法和情况,你最有可能建立一个高质量的追随者. 不要在网上挑拨是非.


不要使用种族歧视, 个人的侮辱, 淫秽, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the PG电子APP community. 你还应该适当地考虑他人的隐私和可能被认为敏感的话题, 比如政治和宗教. 如果你在讨论不好的经历或不同意一个概念或人的时候表现出建设性和尊重,你更有可能实现你的目标.


如果你犯了错误,就承认它. Be upfront and quick with your correction. 如果你在博客上发帖, you may choose to modify an earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so.


大多数维护社交媒体网站的人都欢迎评论——这可以建立信誉和社区. 然而, 您可以设置您的站点,以便您可以在评论出现之前查看和批准它们. This allows you to respond in a timely way to comments. 它还允许您删除垃圾邮件评论,并阻止任何个人谁反复发布攻击性或无聊的评论.


While you should be honest about yourself, don’t provide personal information that scam artists or identity thieves could use. Don’t list your home address or telephone number. 创建一个单独的电子邮件地址是一个好主意,只用于社交媒体网站.


永远不要假装成别人. Tracking 太ls enable supposedly anonymous posts to be traced back to their authors.


如果你在PG电子APP以外的任何网站上发布内容,并且这些内容与你所做的工作或与PG电子APP相关的科目有关, 使用免责声明,如:“本网站上的帖子是我自己的,不代表PG电子APP的立场, 策略或意见.”

在撰写有关自己所在行业的文章时,个人通常会在自己的网站上附上免责声明, 通常在他们的“PG电子APP我”页面上. If you discuss higher education on your own social media site, we suggest you include a sentence similar to this: “The views expressed on this [blog, website] are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of PG电子APP.“如果你能在PG电子APP被视为领导者,这一点尤为重要.

Don’t Use the 克拉克森书院校徽 or Make Endorsements

Do not use the PG电子APP shield, 相对, or any other PG电子APP marks or images on your personal online sites. Do not use the PG电子APP name to promote or endorse any product, 导致, 或政党或候选人. Please contact the Marketing department for PG电子APP logo and trademark guidelines.


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